On the day...

3.45: Guests arrive at the Cloisters

The Cloisters are situated off Piazza S. Antonino, very near to the main square, Piazza Tasso. The entrance is through a small alleyway, which is signposted as “Il Chiostro di San Francesco”. A map can be found here.

4.00-4.30: We get married!

The ceremony will be conducted in Italian and translated into English, and should last twenty to thirty minutes. The Cloisters are a public building and will be open to the public throughout, so we may have extra guests during our ceremony.

We will provide confetti for you to throw at us after the ceremony, as they need to be biodegradable.

4.30- 5.30: Photographs next door in the Villa Comunale. Come and join us! There are great views over the Bay of Naples.

6.00: Reception at Bellevue Syrene.

From the Villa Comunale, you can take the 5-minute walk to the Hotel Bellevue Syrene by walking past the Tramontano Hotel opposite the Cloisters. The Bellevue is just past the Tramontano on the right hand side.

Spumante and nibbles await on one of hotel’s sea-front terraces, followed by dinner, then music and drinks on the terrace until the hotel lets us be there!

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